If I defend my belief in Jesus, the reason that I follow him, it is not as a man who defends his nation simply because he was born to it, knowing not whether its leaders are corrupt or correct. Nor is it a defense like that of a man who defends his institution because he has vested interest in its success.
No, I defend the hope I have found in Jesus as if it were a glowing diamond which I found deep in a dark mine, just when I thought there might not be a world above. It is a precious gem of hope that I love first, as its beauty has captured me, and I believe second, merely because I cannot look away.
I only hope that my face may reflect its mysterious light. And if it should come to pass that we reach the surface, that day breaks, that light itself indeed has a source deeper than my own fabrication—then I am certain that I would give anything to becoming a child of the light.