Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Gum Wrappers and Hope for Romania

The last couple days my friend Rik from Belgium and I have been playing soccer with some Romanian kids we met here in Baia Mare. Two days ago we gave them some gum during a break and they immediately threw their wrappers on the ground. Rik and I playfully scolded them.

"This isn't America!" They replied.

"Oh?" I said, "And who's going to change Romania?"

"Basescu!" They laughed. (Basescu is the president.)

"You have to be the change." I smiled. (Of course, all that was in Romanian.)

Anyways, yesterday we all took a piece of gum during a break again. Without a word, they collected their wrappers and handed them to the oldest to throw away.

While gum wrappers may not be a big deal, what I learned from this funny little anecdote is that their is hope for Romania in its children. Let's do all that we can to encourage them to be that hope.


vlad(utzu) said...

i'm so glad that something in Romania moved you in such way that you've written two blogs about your time spent here, and i'm glad that what your "enlightment" is actually true.yes, the hopes of romania are the children but i'm not shure that the children of today.i'm 17 now and i don't think my generation is strong enough to change something now maybe in 20 years when we might leed this blessed country,if we will leed it with new ideas,modern ones, with love and friendship and not a leedership based on interests and power. i've learned from you johnny a lot about love, adding some ideeas to my own and also enforcing my already existing ones . you've changed me a little, in a good way of course, makeing me a better have u done that?with the love that you spread allover the place.thanks
love, vlad

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